Replacement of the CO and NO2 detection equipment for DURGAS system.
La Vaguada Shopping Centre is located in the neighbourhood of Barrio del Pilar in Madrid (Fuencarral – El Pardo area). It was the first shopping centre in the capital of Spain, opened in 1983. The building was designed by the Canarian painter, sculptor and architect César Manrique, who managed to integrate the shopping centre in a natural environment, like rest areas with waterfalls or natural light going through skylights in the roof.
With an area of 85,000 m2, it offers its more than 25,000 visitors per year, a complete commercial offer and interesting leisure activities. It has fashion stores, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. In addition, it has a wide range of services, such as taxis free call service buggies or wheelchairs for hire. It has two underground floors, where the parking for 3600 vehicles is located, while the other three floors above ground form the commercial area itself.
In its car park, a gas detection equipment has been replaced by the DURPARK system, designed and manufactured by Durán Electrónica.