November 2021. Ammonia (NH3) detector.
Ammonia (NH3) detector specially designed for chicken and pig farms, where there are usually high and continuous concentrations of this gas, making it unviable to install detectors fitted with standard sensors.
Very accurate and with a low cost of maintenance, it offers a useful life of up to 5 years, and thanks to its suspended structure, can be placed above areas where improved coverage and detection efficacy can be achieved.
Ammonia’s effects on animals depends on concentration levels and exposure times and it can cause respiratory, digestive, eye and skin diseases, delay animal growth and increase mortality, significantly affecting farms’ productivity.
Thanks to the EXTENDED EXPOSURE DURTOX NH3 we can periodically control ammonia levels and establish preventive measures like regulating ventilation and controlling heating, which allows ambient ammonia to be reduced, key to farm optimisation, increasing productivity, turnover, and profit.