Integra II ModBus TCP-RTU Module

Integra II ModBus TCP-RTU Module


This module allows integration with other systems of the DURGAS control panel in its configurations from one to four zones, up to a maximum number of 16 control panels.
It allows access to the internal data of the control panel for each detector, as well as ordering a series of commands on the control panel, certain detectors and/or groups.


To be able to do this, several types of connections are offered:
-. Modbus Ethernet 10/100
-. Modbus serial RTU: 232/485/ AND 485 IN CHAINED MODE


-. It can be configured by web page by IP address or by DHCP
-. Includes Debug via Telnet
-. Remote software update via ethernet.
-. Vision of the values in real time via WEB page (Cadence of one second/value)
-. Access to the values via API-WEB (in this case, to access the values, contact DURAN ELECTRÓNICA)
-. Pending implementation in a future version: MQTT protocol for detector value / cadence one second.
(To access the MQTT JSON format, contact DURAN ELECTRÓNICA)
-. Master slave protocol (coming soon).


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