July 2022. CO detection, ModBus integration.
The Palacio del Senado is located in the Plaza de la Marina Española. It is made up of two buildings: The Old Convent and College of the Augustinian Fathers from the 16th century, and the Extension Building inaugurated in 1991.
The palace has a large collection of works of art, highlighting the historicist paintings of the 19th century, and a neo-Gothic library. It was the meeting place of the unicameral Cortes previously gathered in Cádiz.
The expansion of the annex building at the end of the 20th century has a semicircular shape giving its façade to Bailén Street. It is projected in two almost independent constructions: A new hemicycle and a rectangular building for offices.
In order to improve its security, the parking lot of the Senate extension building has been remodeled, including vehicle access barriers, license plate reading, underpass inspection, retractable obstacles, etc. For this, the DURGAS system has also been installed with the DURPARK RS485 CO detectors designed and manufactured by Durán Electrónica, S.L. that have been integrated by ModBus TCP/IP to a BMS managed by the institution itself.